Attribute: Strength.
Attack type: Ranged.
Hit Points: 3 (medium hero).
Features: high mobility, mass enemy Tower Control debuffs.

«The people living the Gorge of Burning Creeks owe their greatness not only to their hard work, but also to their uncanny ingenuity. While some were busy toiling in the mines for bloodstone, others designed ferocious machines to protect their Citadel from everyone eager to steal this precious crystal. For many cycles, all was well. But one fine day, a humongous titan made of solid stone approached the walls with enough power to level the Citadel to the ground. It was then that Mechanicus first activated his newest machine – and the stone monolith, shattered, was spread across the battlefield. His weapon, renowned for its fearsome power, came to be known as the Ancestral Cannon».